Sin = Sin


"A Sin is A Sin is A Sin"

This weekend, there has been one big reminder sent from God to me. That we all sin. We all do wrong. We have all fallen short of God's glory and expectations. And that everyone is equal in sin.

There is no such thing is a greater or smaller sin. Sin is equal. Its hard to understand in this society. Life on earth has made it completely the opposite. Sin is ranked from big to small, from murder to lies, with some at the top with a more severe punishment, and some where its okay to let go sometimes. But with God its different. The result of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But because God gave his Son, we have hope to go to heaven in a place without sin.

I personally judge others at school. I do. Im sure you do too. At school there are always the "bad" kids, but guess what, we cant even say "bad" kid or "good" kid, because we're all equal. Some yes, may behave better, but just because they smoke or swear in class does make them any worse than the straight A student. We all sin. In different ways. Maybe the one that smokes shows it more evidently, while the straight A student deals with pornography. No matter what the sin is:

the list goes on.
we must remember.

Sin = Sin.

Think about it. Thats why God calls it SIN. Not BIG SIN or SMALL SIN. There's no such word with God, a sin is a sin is a sin. Its hard to wrap our minds around it after being surrounded by an environment that judges based on the intenseness of the "sin", but i challenge you. Try to live a life where you see everyone equally. That we've all sinned. Its hard, but it will help you grow. By viewing in this perception, you lose pride. You cannot be prideful, when we see everyone as equal and no one better than the other. Try it.

Sin = Sin

verse of the day: Romans 3:23
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,


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