Breastplate & Helmet


This was one of questions in our MOBS bible study, and i felt like we as a group answered it really well. Just wanted to share. :)

Why do you think the breastplate represents faith and love, where as the helmet represents the hope of salvation?
  • Breastplate protects our heart, the helmet protects the mind. But most importantly, God gave these to us to protect us from sin.
  • It gives us security of faith, love and hope of salvation.
  • Faith: Breastplate is used to protect your body. Your actions are shown through your body movement and expression. Based on your actions, it shows whether or not you are truly committed to your faith, or if you are living as a lukewarm Christian. Speech isn’t the only way to express and share your faith. Your actions can simply complete the same task. If your actions do not correspond to your faith, your armor is not strong because others can easily see through you. If your actions do not reflect Christ, how do you expect them to see his love through you?
  • Love: Just a Christ loved us, we love one another, Christian or not, and we show love through our actions, thus again if our actions do not correspond, we fail to express God’s love, and that can lead to hindering the receiver's chances of knowing Christ.
  • Hope: The helmet is usually used to help defend on from injuries to the mind. The mind is where you know your scripture, therefore the more you are knowledgeable about scripture, the stronger one’s armor is, the higher the chances of one succeeding in sharing your faith with another, the more opportunities one will get to share their faith.
    • if one “fails” to share their faith, they can easily be discouraged, thus leading to giving up, therefore hope can be lost for the many people they know who need to hear the good news
  • We must always have these pieces of armor on us, and every day we have to continue to build our relationship with God, as well as our knowledge to help strengthen our mind and body, as well as our armor to help fight against the attacks of Satan; whether at school, at the park, at the mall, or anywhere else.
verse of the day: 1 Thessalonians 5:8
8But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.


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