The Importance

Day 28
19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins. - James 5:19-20
"remember the importance of sharing the gospel and rebuking one another in love, for it allows one to acknowledge their sins, repent and potentially being saved from eternal death."

I think it's always a good to be reminded of what results from our act of faith, sharing the good news. We are giving and sharing with others a hope we hold onto, in hopes they will learn to accept as well. This hope that gives us freedom from eternal death and confirmation of our life after death. When the passage says "save them from death", it struck me how important this is and why it is so urgent that we share with others. This is death we are talking about, eternal death, an eternity of suffering, pain and sadness. If we are true followers of Christ, and we love everyone around us, wouldn't we want the best for them?

At the same time, i've been reminded over and over that sharing the good news isn't giving you the responsibility to save everyone around you. That's God's job. Our role on the other hand, is to send the messages, allow others to hear about it, and to plant the seed. God has given them the free will to choose whether or not they want to follow, we can only help them know about this decision.

My Prayer: Lord, you've given us so much, blessing us with things, but more importantly, opportunities. May you push our hearts to reach out to those who are lost or may have strayed away from you. Remind us that our words and actions may spark a new creation away from death. We praise your holy name, Amen.

verse of the day:


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