In The Night

Scripture describes the Lord's coming as a thief in the night, quiet, quick, and sudden. We will never be able to predict when he will return, although I believe there are many signs to when the time is approaching, for instance, false prophets and war (Matthew 24:6-10).

As followers we are known as "children of the light", and the bible uses the imagery of light and darkness to represent true believers and those who are lost. We must be ready for the day of our Saviour's return. We know and believe that it will happen, we just dont know when. Therefore we must make it our daily desire to live for the Lord in preparation and anticipation for that day. Paul goes on in 1 Thessalonians 5 many practical things we can do to act out our faith, but when it comes down to it, God will judge your heart, your faith and your devotion to Him throughout your life time.

- be alert (v.6)
- be self-controlled (v.6)
- stand firm in your faith (v.8)
- live in peace (v.13)
- help the weak and timid (v.14)
- be patient to those around you (v.14)
- be kind to one another (v.15)
- always rejoice (v.16)
- pray continuously (v.17)
- be constantly giving thanks (v.18)
- hold onto good, and avoid what is evil (v.21-22)

Let us live faithfully for the Lord as we remember his life, his death, and his resurrection, and as we wait for his majestic return to save us from this corrupted earth.

verse of the day: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2
Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 


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