Two Paths

Day 36 
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,

    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. - Psalm 1:6
This is the final week of 40 Days in The Word, and each day will be a different technique, and today's is back to the first week, "Pronounce It!"

watches: observing, analyzing
the way: I think God knows that we are humans, we're flawed and that we cannot be perfect and cannot be fully righteous, but here he says he's watching the way, our path, how we are striving for righteousness
the way of the wicked: those who follow their own selfish wicked ways
destruction: death, eternal punishment, the city of Sheol (Proverbs 7:27)

I'm reminded of the punishment for the wicked. To perish, to have eternal death. There are two paths we can take. We must walk down the path of righteousness. We do so by delighting in the law, and meditating on it day and night (v.2), then we will bear good fruit and will be made right with God (v.3). God will watch, bless, and prosper us. I think we often don't take our sin as serious as we ought to, and we have to realize the severity of the consequences that come afterwards. Im just not to sure of how to realize this.

My friend once wonderfully put, "there is no middle ground for sin. you're either for him or against him, for the spirit or for the flesh, hot or cold. For the full righteousness of God will fall upon those are unsaved and the unrepentant (Romans 2:5). Unless we fully surrender to Him, we are, by nature and by default against Him (Ephesians 2:3). Which side are you on?"

My Prayer: Lord, you are an almighty God. You will be the ultimate judge on judgement day. I pray you keep me and draw me back when I fall astray. I need to be made right with you. Lead me down the path of righteousness, help me meditate on your law so that I may bear good fruit. May my whole life be an offering to you. Teach me to follow and truly surrender myself for your work and your will. Amen.


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