The First and The Last

Day 16
33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” 34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest. 35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” - Mark 9:33-35
S - is there a sin to confess?
P - is there a promise to claim?
A - is there an attitude to change?
C - is there a command to obey?
E - is there an example to follow?
P - is there a prayer to pray?
E - is there an error to avoid?
T - is there a truth to believe?
S - is there something to praise God for?

S - Pride. Everyone has it, especially in such a world where being on top, being the best is so valued and prioritized, we all struggle and strive for power, but we easily tend to forget about what is more important, that God is above all things, that we are to have pride in Him, not in ourselves, our careers, or our relationships

P - Jesus promises that whoever wants to be first, must be last.

A - We have to change our worldly attitude and views to a mindset of a servant, having others in mind before ourselves. 

C - We're command to love, and we show love through obedience and service. We serve God by serving others, let us do it wholeheartedly and kindly.

E - Similar to the previous post, Jesus is the ultimate example in all things, especially when it comes to being a servant. He willingly washed the feet of his disciples, he humbled himself to die on the cross for our sins, thinking about his love for us before himself. He came not to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28).

P - Humility is what we should be striving and praying for. 

E - As the disciples where arguing earlier in the passage, they were comparing one another to "who was the greatest" when that was the error itself, comparing oneself to another, instead of looking at Christ. 

T - "so the last will be first and the first will be last" (Matthew 20:16). Truth comes from the scripture itself. 

S - Praise God for leading us with his example. Jesus loved and served us, just as we are to do to others. 

This idea of being last, serving and being humble is so against and different to what society has to say, and often because we are surrounded by such mindsets and attitudes, we often tend to conform to such ways. But this passage remind us to stray away, just as it says in Romans 12:2, to stand out and live the life of Christ, serving and loving others in every way we can. I hope I can remind myself not to compare and to serve without expecting anything. 

My Prayer: Lord you are a good God who has shown us the ultimate meaning of servanthood. Give us the desire to strive for such a lifestyle and mindset, finding joy in helping others, in deeds big or small. Give us humble and loving hearts to serve and make your name known to all those around us. Amen. 


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