opportunity awaits.

its frustrating when you work hard and you plan something just to see it not be appreciated. Tonight at AGAPE, we had careers night, and it was planned, the guests were there and the sessions were going about it, but it was a bit disappointing to see people just sitting and loafting. I tried to get them to move along, but why would they listen to me anyways. Eventually i gave up. I realized that i've done all I can. I've prepared and presented them with the opportunities to look, to learn, to experience, but its up to them to take and size the opportunity or not.

Its the same with our Lord. He presents us with opportunities and chances all the time, its up to us to firstly see it and acknowledge it, and second take it in and seize it. God has so much planned for us, so many blessings and gifts for us, but we have to learn to take it and accept it. Will you take it?

verse of the day: Galatians 6:10
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


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