
In the final chapters of 2 Corinthians, Paul continues to share his experiences and hints at reminders and at things we should be aware of. In this chapter, Paul raises awareness about the false prophets, as well as shocks us by boasting in his weakness.

It's said in Matthew 24 that at the end, there will be false prophets who will be preaching and deceiving the world. As judgement day nears, we are tested to stand firm in our faith. Here, Paul brings back the same caution, and is afraid that we will be easily lead away (v.3). Satan was originally an angel of light and fell from heaven. He masked himself, and its extremely probable that he will use his servants and demons to mask themselves as people of righteousness to deceive us (v.13-15). Deception is Satan's weapon of choice. Paul warns us that if we ever come across here teachings, gospels, or preachings that are not of what we accepted and have heard before that it is a trick by the devil. Paul even chooses to distinguish himself from these false prophets by not accepting money. Preaching free of charge, because as a follower, we are able to give freely and have a heart of love for others who have not heard the good news.

Paul switches gears and goes on to boast, not about his accomplishments but about his sufferings and weaknesses. He lists on and on, from being stoned to facing shipwreck, fighting hunger and finding a home and shelter. I believe that it is through our weaknesses God's love is shown, he is about to be triumphant. It shows that we are weak and frail, in need of Christ's death and resurrection to be saved from sin.

We all suffer, we all endure through hard battles and tough times, but we can use it for God's glory, to bring him praise and honor.

verse of the day: 1 Peter 1:6-7
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 


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