The Unknown.


It was foggy today, and it just got worse and worse throughout the day. On the way back from dinner, we could barely see what was ahead of us. I remember on the way back, I thought that we passed our street, but I was mistaken. Thinking about what to talk about today, i realized that this is exactly what life is like. Its blurry, and our future is unpredictable. You dont know if you a deer will come out from the side, if you're on the oncoming lane, or if you're reaching a dead end. We can only follow the 5m road ahead of us that we can actually see. Many times, we want to have complete control of our lives, where we want to live, the ideal family, the perfect career, but truthfully, there are things that are just out of our control. For instance, university, you dont know where you are going to go, all you can do is do the best you can in school and hope you get into the program you want. Marriage, how do you control meeting the perfect spouse?

Its all in God's time. Life with or without God is a blurry road. Life without is complete fog and you're just entrusting yourself, as well as the road on what is right. The road can represent the world and its standards, driving you towards a different destination. Where as with God, we have someone greater looking out for us. God will be that extra GPS you have in the car, which directs the route from satellite, much higher above us that can see all the routes, all the dead ends, and now, even which roads are more congested with traffic! If you were the driver, would you trust yourself based on what you know? or will trust the GPS?

The unknown is often a fear for many people. We all hate not knowing what is coming up and what's next. I know that I myself get paranoid when im not prepared or ready for a presentation or anything. Will you learn to trust our greater God?

verse of the day: Proverbs 29:25
25 Fearing people is a dangerous trap,
but trusting the LORD means safety.


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