

Yesterday, something hit me. A simple statement, a simple question. I needed to go out early, so i was lazy and asked my mom to buy take out for dinner. And she asked me, "what do you want to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

Simple statement eh? We probably get that asked all the time. But for some reason, last night when i was asked that, mind. blown.

This question has greater meaning/underlying message in it. The fact that we can be asked this shows that we have choice. The fact that when that question is asked, i can say almost everything. From sushi, to curry, from the typical chinese food, to Italian, choice is a blessing. It really shows how amazingly and overly blessed we are.

Thinking about it, i feel like these first world countries are completely spoiled. The fact we can get food from all over the world in one building, or have parts of the world shipping onto one plate in one sitting. Its a blessing.

We take these things granted daily. Its something we should constantly be thinking about and be thankful for. I think being thankful really develops humilty as well. When you're thankful you know that God gave you these things, that it wasnt you who brought the food to the table, it was God, and that nothing belongs to you, you learn to be humble in that way.

How blessed are you?
Im sure if you tried to make a list of your blessings, it wouldnt end.

verse of the day: Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


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