Exodus: Breathe

In Exodus 31, as we enter the final quarter of the book, the Sabbath is once again brought up. Several times, throughout studying Exodus, or the bible in general, when something is repeated (which we will see again in this chapter), it means its important and God is clearly emphasizing something for us to keep in mind.

I tend to forget this many times, that the Sabbath is actually one of the ten commandments. "You shall rest on the Sabbath day and do no work." It was in this chapter where it really stood out to me, and showed me how important it really was, and how serious God takes it too.
14 “‘Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people.15 For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death. - Exodus 31:14-15
In simply two verses, God strongly pushes the importance of the Sabbath. Those who disrespect it, or choose to not follow it, will be cut off from the people, as well as be put to death. When reading it, i questioned, why is it so important that we rest? But as I read on, I thought about it and processed it, and understood the true purpose behind the sabbath.

The Sabbath calls for a day of rest, of no work, just rest. In today's society, everything is rushed, fast paced. Hong Kong, i miss the city so much, the great food, the convenience of everything, but being there the past summer, i could feel my heart beating faster than ever. Coming back to Toronto felt like when you get off the treadmill and you feel like you have to keep moving, no slowing down. Everything was mentally sped, and when you get caught up in the work, in the projects, the plans, you get sucked in and easily forget to rest. University is the same, you step in day one in September, and its just go go go until you complete your last exam. No time to breathe.

But when you think back to the beginning, we weren't created to go through life like a speeding train, have we ever decided to stop and smell the roses? When God created Adam and Eve, mankind, he wanted a relationship with them. That's our true purpose, to dwell and build a relationship with God. Its similar to a romantic relationship or a friendship. They don't work if one or the other put work above the relationship. With God, when we forget about him, things fall apart, and worse, it can lead you astray. That's why this day of Sabbath is so important! We need to take time to rest, to refocus ourselves on whats eternal and true, God, forget about the work and stress of our temporary reality, and be refreshed in his word and his presence.

I know of a friend who decided to follow this commandment to a tee, taking sunday as a complete full twenty four hour day of rest, no work, no study, just refocus and refreshment. Thinking about it, could I do that as well? My "day of the Sabbath" for now is just the hour of devotions, and bits and pieces here and there I spend in prayer with God, which i think is absolutely fine, but maybe i can take it one step further? I'm definitely going to keep in mind, maybe try it out next semester.

When is your Sabbath day? Are you taking time, stepping back, out of the crazy world we know as life, and committing it to God? Stop and Take a Breather.

verse of the day: Hebrews 4:9-11
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.


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