
To "exhort" someone means to strongly encourage or urge on to do something. And in Romans 15, Paul talks about exhorting to others as believers. We're called to build one another up, in hopes to edify others and ourselves in truth, in love, and in Christ. We want to grow individually in our relationship with Christ, but we were never told to do it alone. God has granted us a group, a community and a family to aid us, to confront us and to encourage us.

I was more than glad to visit my old youth fellowship last night, being able to attend the whole program, and with the grade 12s, they watched Francis Chan's video on "Fellowship" and i found that it really applied to this chapter. He says that we are called to share everything with our community of Christ-followers. Whether it be material possessions, or our heavy burdens, God placed each of us together to work together, serve each other through life and especially in times of weakness. When we are unified as a fellowship, it makes the message even more believable to non-christians as they see how we work, why we were and what is truly pushing us to be such a strong community; having Christ as the backbone and foundation of it all. Is your fellowship/community demonstrating that?

Acceptance. Society has always been trying to push this, and we as Christians should be the first to show it. God loves every single one of us, we are his creation, and he made us this way, with our talents and features for a reason. We are to accept one another for who they are (v. 7).

Lastly, at the end of the chapter, Paul talks about his ambition to share the gospel (v. 20-21). And we also called to do the same, with fellow believers, to go out into the world and make disciple of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Jesus is most definitely coming back soon, so we should take every chance we get to spread this news and this joy we have found with those who may not have heard it yet!

verse of the day: Romans 15:5-7
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.


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