
"because we're already perfect"

A few weeks ago, i know i haven't posted ever, but i was again reading "Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die" by John Piper. It started with the following line: "one of the greatest heartaches in the Christian life is the slowness of our change". I agree with that 100%. I also look at myself, and look at other Christians and i dont feel any different. I see others and they're all like, "Amen brother, you preach your word" and they're COMPLETELY indulged in our Lord, but i dont feel that or see that. Sometime as simple as raising your hand during worship, i remember how awkward it was when i tried doing that at TC (teens conference) when everyone else did it. Change. Its been 10 years i've been a Christian and i havent felt any significant change yet.

This reason in the book focused on Philippians 3:12. It says:
12Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
As stated in the book, this verse is a great foundation on our joy and our endurance. Jesus has ALREADY MADE YOU his own. You are his. We dont need to work and do deeds to have Him take us in, he already has.

The first part of the verse speaks upon perfection. And im sure many of us can relate. Everyday, we strive for something. For some people it may be the perfect life, some may be a perfect family, and for us Christians, it should being like Christ in a perfect sense. I can honestly say that i've constantly been trying to strive for this. I want to be pure, i want to be holy. I want to avoid sin and be able to fully serve and glorify God. But what was said next completely blew my mind.

"The suffering of Christ secures our perfection so firmly that it is already now a reality. Therefore, we fight against our sin not simply to become perfect, but because we are. The death of Jesus is the key to battling our imperfections on the firm foundation of our perfection." - Reason Fifteen - John Piper

I want to fight against sin and i want to conquer because i want to become perfect in God's eyes, but the truth is, just as it said, i shouldnt be fighting sin because i want to be perfect, but because i already am in His eyes.

verse of the day: Hebrews 10:14
14For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.


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