Tipped Over

"keep you life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you" - Hebrews 13:5

Working this summer has been so much fun, travelling all over the place, showing off the animals, and also meeting new people. As an educator and handler, the main responsibility is to do shows and education presentations for our bookings, and with summer coming up, most of them are birthday parties, and with birthday parties, came my first ever tip.

It was pretty cool, getting some extra cash and what not, but it snuck up on me, and things turned quite quickly as I found myself so engulfed by the idea of being tipped after a show, my mind would race around, and I even caught myself looking to see if a tip would come my way. It was terrifying to think how quickly a love for money could get to you. When you think about it, a tip is never mandatory, it's something completely on top of what you do, as a bonus, an extra act of generosity; no one is ever really "deserving" of a tip right?

To be quite honest, I never thought a love for money would ever be too big of a concern for me, I have always felt like i've been quite content with what I have but this experience has surprised me, catching me off guard. The sinful desires within our flesh are so clear, and it is so easy for it to come out and drag you under the water. Scripture tells us that we cannot serve both God and money, and I believe that a love for money will lead to destruction and selfishness as all you think about is "me me me".

With this post, I wanted to just track my growth I guess and what God has been revealing to me in my life, but also to remind us all to guard our hearts, and to set our minds on things above. Pray that the Spirit will convict you of any hidden sins. Remind ourselves that God is our provider, He is the giver of good gifts. Our careers, our money, our time, and our stuff are all from Him for us to steward wisely. Get tipped, praise God, He is good. But don't let money or anything else tip you over from seeking God first.


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