Remember Who You Are

"Remember who you are." Nia would say to her three Igiby children every day; no matter what circumstances they found themselves in. 

This past fall, I finally got my hands on Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga Series. Within the first four months of school, I read the first book to my class and within the two weeks of Christmas break, I read the second and third book. It is an absolutely incredible story with creative and captivating writing, and stunning cliff hangers at the end of every chapter. I found myself audibly gasping regularly and staying up, reading in bed simply because I could not put the book down. Highly recommend.

Not only that, but there are some deep and biblical values and principles embedded in its narrative for kids and adults! One that has really resonated with me recently is the idea of identity. "Remember who you are" is a repeated motif that comes from the matriarch of the family. The story follows three children who come to learn about their past and who they are. Without giving too much away, Janner, Leeli, and Tink learn to grow into this identity, which remains true regardless of their feelings, actions, or circumstances. As you read and come to love these characters, you watch them be empowered as they come to terms with, believe and firmly stand in their identity. 

As a Christian who has grown up in the faith, we are regularly reminded to stand firm in our identity in Christ. It is so easy to get lost and to misplace our identity; in our occupation, in our struggles, in our worries, in our performance or appearance and in our sexual orientation. As one who struggles with same-sex attraction, I think I am finally starting to understand the importance and the power of knowing who I am in Christ. My identity is found in Christ. I am a child of the Most High God. Ransomed and purchased by the precious blood of Christ. I am dearly loved, robed in righteousness and stand firmly in the finished work of Christ. I am a part of a royal priesthood and a holy people. This identity in Christ is established by God, not by my works, so it is sure, it is final, and it does not change because of my performance or how I may feel. This identity empowers me in my fight against sin, it gives me something to stand on when I am prone to fear or worry, and I can wholly rest in it with everlasting hope and peace. 

Christian, remember who you are.

And if you are not a believer, God holds this identity out for you, at the cost of the life of his Son, Jesus Christ. Why? Because he is merciful and gracious God, who loves you. Will you receive this gift of grace? So what's stopping you?


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