Exodus: Reassured
Continuing on through the book of Exodus, chapter four was basically a continuation of Moses' uncertainty in his ability, thinking and feeling he is weak and incapable of carrying out the will of God. He constantly is asking God to send someone else. Have you ever felt that you're too small to do something so great? What is your response when God calls you? Do you hesitate or do you dive in head first?
And even though Moses continued to show fear and uncertainty, thinking the egyptians wouldn't believe him, but God brought his reassurance. He gave Moses so many signs and examples to show that his plan was perfect and fool proof.
When Moses would throw his staff to the ground, it would become a snake. (v.3)
When Moses would put his hand in his coat, it would come out with leprosy. (v.6)
When Moses would throw water from the Nile onto the ground, it would become blood. (v.9)
And on top of all that God even sent Aaron to aid Moses in helping him speak and for support. You can really see how God cares for us, he knows how weak we may feel and he provides us with endless resources to make sure we'll be okay. But why do you think we feel so incompetent and weak, unable to serve? Why do we think twice? What is holding you and I back from helping and serving the greatest King of all?
Moses finally followed through and went back to Egypt, and God continued to aid him by eliminating all his threats, and by the end of the chapter, Moses and Aaron were able to bring the elders together and they believed and worshipped God.
In verses 24-26 were a bit confusing to me. It talked about circumcision and im not sure of its significance in the chapter. Basically all of sudden the Lord wanted to kill Moses, and then Zipporah, his wife circumcised her son and touched Moses' feet with the foreskin... there was a footnote to Joshua 5:2-3 which talked about the circumcision of the israelites. Im not sure, maybe the Lord was angry that their son had not been circumcised yet?
Going back to the end of the chapter with the elders, Exodus 4:29-31 parallels Romans 12:1, where it talks about offering yourselves as a sacrifice to Christ as worship. We are called to worship Christ, and it should be whole-hearted worship.
Its thanksgiving weekend. Take some time to just sit back, and reflect on all God has done for you, in your lifetime, and even before your life time. He has planned for you, your life, and your future from the very beginning. He's granted us salvation by sacrificing his one and only son. We worship because of all the things Christ has done for us.
What are you thankful for? If you think about it, the blessings are countless.
verse of the day: Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
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