Exodus: Fair & Just

As I read this chapter of Exodus, it was quite random for me personally, It just came out of the blue and I didnt fully understand it, most of it was God's commands and laws for Moses and his people, if you took the time to read it, you'll see a specific and different situations God had already thought of, and the specific consequences, from death to who's at fault, etc.. Im sure there isnt anyone that fully understands the reasoning behind all of it, but its okay. Some of it isnt the most relevant to today's time.

At the same time, we can always take something out of it. When i read through it, what stuck out to me was that usually, if not every time, the result was "put to death." All this situations were sins, I guess as extra support after introducing the ten commandments. "Put to death", thats a pretty big statement. All these situations revolved around sin, and i took it as the consequences of sin. Before receiving Christ, we were all doomed and were bound for hell, death was the result of our sin, and by saying "put to death", it really shows how severe our sin was. That we were to be put to death for it if we didnt turn to God for forgiveness.
23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. - Exodus 21:23-25
This verse really stood to me, and it again shows another one of God's characteristics. Our God is a fair and just God. This verse may not apply to present day literally, but we can definitely interpret it differently. For myself, i realize that in today's world we may want to think that like, if someone took a life, their life should be taken, but as Christians we should learn to forgive and be fair as well, imitating Christ-like attributes in our everyday lives. Are we emulating God's fairness and justice? Everyone is the same, and we, as the wealthiest people in the world should help the less fortunate and be fair to them as well. We are equal, no one higher or better than another.

God is the final judge. When the day comes, he will be a fair and just God, knowing what we've done and judging us accordingly.

verse of the day: Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.    And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy    and to walk humbly with your God.


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