Exodus: Leadership 101

Jethro, Moses' father in law comes for a visit after hearing about all that God has done for the Israelites, they celebrated and praised God for it all, and they shared with each other. Jethro advises Moses in Exodus 18 on his leadership ideas, and after reading and going through the chapter, one can really take it as a practical view on how to lead and serve in ministry, whether or not you're a deacon, a pastor, or an usher.

Jethro tells Moses to delegate the tasks to avoid being worn out and being stressed over all the work that he has infront of him. He advises him in verse 21 to pick and find leaders for have the three following characteristics to help lead and be efficient in serving others.

Ones who FEAR GOD.
These leaders should know who God is, and as leaders should be examples for those they are helping and serving. Having a healthy fear of who their God is, and is able to be on track with their spiritual life. At the same time, being a leader and being an example doesnt mean one has to be perfect even though the pressure seems to be there. We're all human and we slip up, but as long as we are trying our best for Christ, that is the example we want to set.

Ones who are TRUSTWORTHY.
I know for myself its difficult to let go and have others complete the task for me, and it may not always be how I want it to turn out, but for one to let go and give a task to someone, one must trust them, knowing that they will complete the task, and complete it efficiently. They have to be reliable and dependable. When people trust you, they follow you.

Whenever we serve as leaders, from bible study to worship, it is very easy to think of ourselves as "higher" than the others, its easy to want and crave that recognition. But those who serve as leaders instead should always be pointing and leading others to Christ. They dont want the fame, they just want to serve others as well as the Lord.

Whats your weakest link of the three characteristics? I think for myself, its probably dishonest gain. I think that many of times, i want the recognition. Who doesnt? We all want to be appreciated for the work we do, and we dont want our precious time and effort to be wasted and unrecognized. But we must understand we cannot do this for selfish, prideful desires, and thus i choose to point it back to Christ.

do you show these attributes when leading?

verse of the day: Exodus 18:21
21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 


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