Exodus: Again and Again

We're getting to the end of the ten plagues in Egypt in Exodus 10, but after reading several chapters on this subject, it has started to get a bit boring. But reading to today, there were a few new twists and details that stood out to me. God sent locusts (which are basically grasshoppers), and total darkness to help the Israelites be freed from the Pharaoh's grasp, and similar to the past plagues, the Pharaoh would say he would free them, but end up keeping them when the plague passed. This portion ends with the Pharaoh threatening Moses and Aaron that if they were to show up again, they were to be killed.

The Pharaoh was hard hearted through all the trials thrown, even his officials were concerned with his decisions, saying that he's ruining Egypt (v.7). You know something is wrong when your own people are concerned about the situation. But at the same time, each time, God says  that He has hardened the heart of the Pharaoh, and from what i understand from the text, it seems like he's doing that so that the people of Egypt can realize and see his power, to truly fear God.

The biggest lesson i got out of it, after seeing the Pharaoh harden his heart left right and centre, was seeing myself in his place. Each time he went against his word. There are so many times where i've said i'll do something and go against it. Temptations. We are not perfect, we're human, but so many times we say that we will try our best to resist, but yet we still fall short, and we fail our God. But luckily, we have the cross and we have Christ who died for us, giving us new chances, and salvation, hope for eternal life, something greater and something better.

verse of the day: Acts 3:19-20
19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20 and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. 


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