Exodus: In The Works

Personally, i feel like the chapters in Exodus now are starting to get more and more repetitive, because in the book right now, it is still talking about the different plagues God sent to Egypt in hope to have the Pharaoh let the israelites go. Even though it is repetitive, reading each plague, it really stuns me the creativity God has with each trial he brings on Egypt.

Having only the livestock of the Egyptians die.
Having boils break out on the men and animals in Egypt.
Having it hail in Egypt to the point where it destroys everything.

God really does protect and love his people. You can really see how much he's putting into for his people, and that includes you and I! When it hailed, it only affected those who did not believe in his Word, and it hailed in all of Egypt except for Goshen, where the Israelites were.

I've also noticed that Moses has stopped complaining and has stopped talking back to God. he just goes, follows and carries out the Lord's instruction. I think similarly, once we learn to have full trust in God, we are able to take on his word head on, and be true, wholehearted servants, knowing God is just and has a bigger better plan ahead of us already. Have you found this trust in your relationship with God?

God is working all the time in our lives, he wants to bless us, he wants to love us.
He's always protecting us through thick and thin.
But do you see it? And do you believe it?

verse of the day: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.


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