Exodus: Not Alone
The Israelites continue to trudge their way through Egypt with Moses and Aaron and they continue to complain after seeing God's provision countless times. They were hungry, and God rained manna from the skies. They were thirsty, and Moses struck a rock with his staff and water flowed from it. Even though the passage didn't strictly say what God thought about this, I'm sure he wasn't happy with it. Was he annoyed by all this? But yet, he still loves and provides and constantly gives us what we need. We mustn't be afraid of going before God asking for what we need, may it be strength, money, or wisdom.
They were then faced with a battle against the Amalekities. In Chapter 17, it states that the Israelites won when Moses raised his staff. But its a battle, and we as humans get tired. Yet others brought Moses a rock to sit on, and raised his arms and staff for him. As tiring as it got, Moses pushed on and carried through.
Im sure we've had rough times, where we're tired, where we just want to give up. Just the past few days have been difficult, from feeling lonely, to just the gloomy weather. Getting back marks that I wasn't the most content with, trying and trying, but ending up in failure. We get tired, physically, mentally and spiritually, but we must learn to press on. Its only when we press on, we overcome, we grow, and we get stronger. And the best part is that we're not alone! Moses had others helping him out when he was struggling and so do we. God made people to have relationships, God called us to fellowship and build a community of support and accountability for one another. Im so thankful for those friends who have stuck with me, who give me encouragement and say all the right things, whether they are praying for me or giving me a reassuring hug, its always so comforting knowing that someone's there for you. Even when it seems like all humanly support is gone, we always have God to turn to. He should be the first one we turn to anyways.
Are you doing the same? Do you support others, encourage and keep others accountable?
verse of the day: Galatians 6:2
2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
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