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Relief from Introspection

Back in January, I had the privilege to attend my first ever Sovereign Grace Conference, the Relay Conference for young adults. I loved being able to see the Sovereign Grace culture played out in its international realm, be it the glorious worshipping with the saints, or the charismatic threads in the prophetic songs and visions that were given.  Most conferences have a bookshop with much to peruse and on the extra long 10 hour bus ride home, one of the books, Think Again by Jared Mellinger was shared with me. My housemate had a copy and the read was life-altering.  Here's a quick summary of the book; "Being mindful about who you are and what you are doing isn't necessarily a bad thing. Evaluating yourself is necessary and can lead to positive change. But what about the dark side of introspection? Do you ever feel weighed down and exhausted by your own self analysis? Jared Mellinger, a pastor and self-confessed struggler with introspection, holds out the hope of the gospel...

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