I'm Moving Back to Toronto (GTA)
This whole idea of moving back to Toronto has been simmering in the back of my mind for the past few months and finally started coming to a boil in July. Since October of 2021, I had been attending Sovereign Grace Church Toronto (SGC), a church in Bradford, once a month, every time I went home to visit family. The sweet fellowship and community I experienced there was like none I had experienced before. For the first time, an entire community intentionally pursued me as I intentionally pursued them. Month after month, I'd get asked, "so are you back for good?" There is something incredibly special at that church, and there were multiple moments where I sat with the congregation, at prayer meetings, or on Sunday mornings and thought "I want to be a part of this."
But how? I've been in Guelph now for officially a decade. I have friends and community here, community that has changed a lot over the past two years, and I just have history here! I had always thought that I'd stay here forever.
Back in July, I went back to Toronto, more specifically, Richmond Hill, for six weeks. Entering that brief season the original thought was to give Guelph one more year and then re-evaluate next summer. But after attending prayer team at SGC Music Camp, and many late nights of gospel-centered and edifying fellowship, I came back to Guelph in mid-August thinking, "one year might be too long, I might need to go back earlier".
In Guelph, I already had successfully joined the supply roster with the Hamilton and Guelph school boards, I loved my job at Nahathai's Kitchen, and had so many opportunities to tutor, to work at the farm etc... Why would I just pick up and leave especially as the school year began?
In Richmond Hill, I knew of a friend that was looking for a place to move out to, and had invited me many times to room with him. That timer was ticking and if I wanted that to be a reality, time was running out. No job, no connections, but a church community I longed for.
How do I decide? I originally believed that if I took the year to discern, it would be the "wiser" option because I took "longer". However, if I were to act now, could I distinguish between acting in faith, and acting foolishly "just because I could take it into my own hands"? It was much easier to sit in the uncertainty because that meant no action had to be taken. Sorry, i'm still "discerning".
It was such a joy reconnecting with the many families I had known for years as I returned to Guelph after my 6 weeks. I shared my thoughts and where I was at with them and interestingly, every one of them responded with something along the lines of, "I think that is an excellent idea! I totally support you moving back for a church community". No one said "awww", no one said they'd miss me (though I'm sure it would be mutual) - though if anyone did, I think I would've felt more of an emotional tug or obligation to stick around.
Shortly after, I was catching up with a friend, only to find out that he was in the exact same circumstance as I. He had gone home to visit family and friends for a few weeks, determined his community was there, decided to go back, had a friend with a room ready for him, and booked his plane ticket. But get this - he had no job lined up.
Well if he could do that, so could I! Inspired, I texted my friend that night saying, "if you find a three person house, I'll come home." And so, the ball began to roll.
The other question I had was regarding church membership. I had just become a member at Hespeler Baptist Church this past December. How would I fulfill the membership covenant while back in Toronto? Would it be seen as "uncommitted" to suddenly jump ship so quickly? But after a quick chat with my pastor, he encouraged me that if I'm going ahead with my move, that I should become a member at the next church immediately, prioritizing and valuing the importance of being accountable to a local church.
And so, I've packed up my room, and it has been officially signed to someone else for the year. My neighbour graciously is allowing me to rent from him month-to-month, and now the search for a new home in the Greater Toronto Area begins. I'll make the final move back when a house is secured. As of right now, it seems that I'll get to stay in Guelph for the month of September, which will be nice for me to wrap things up here and hopefully get some closure to the end of a 10-year run in this beautiful city.
I praise God for the incredible peace he has given me during this time. I'm not anxious that I don't have a job, and I am trusting in his perfect timing and provision (as he has already shown faithful) as this transitionary season unfolds. Praying for wisdom to wait and wisdom to act during this time would be much appreciated!
Well, I guess I'm coming home.
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