Exodus: Too Much?
While the Israelites were called to give offerings to help build the tabernacle, something strange happened. Well I found it strange. They had to be commanded to stop giving because they had given more than enough already, they've given too much. I found this oddly surprisingly because in the past chapters, they were falling away from God, committing adultery, and who knows what, but suddenly, it just switched to endless generosity. Im not sure if there was time in between the occurrences, but it seems like a quick change of heart.
Why did they all of a sudden give? Was it out of guilt? Hoping God would see their acts and then overrule their old mistakes? But God has already forgiven them, which is an interesting thought.
At the same time, the thought of giving too much is striking to our world today. We are not the biggest fans of giving, whether tangible or not. Do you ever hold back when giving? Whether if it is for offering or for charity?
But the big question that popped into my head was "can you ever give God too much?" thinking about it, i don't think so. God has done so much for us, sending his son, blessing us with everything we have. Nothing we have is ours, it all belongs to God. If we gave everything i felt like it wouldn't be enough. But it really comes from the heart, it is what you are willing to give up that counts. After believing, we're saved, and have a spot saved in heaven for us. We don't need to do or give to "make us deserve it" or repay him because it was a free gift. But because it was a free gift, because of God's generosity, we are moved to give back, to serve, to do whatever we can to honour and worship him with all aspects of our lives.
There are always endless opportunities to give, in our corrupt world, there is always going to be poverty, the gap between the rich and poor, the destruction that comes, those who feel hopeless, those in need, the list never ends.
It only depends on if you have the heart, if you are willing to give and help others that truly counts. If you didn't have the heart, you wouldn't be giving in the first place, it wouldn't even cross your mind. Do we realize how wealthy we are? When we are generous to God, our love for him grows.
So where is your heart?
verse of the day: Luke 12:34
34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
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