Exodus: A Patient God
After all this time of hearing about the promised land, a land of flowing milk and honey, the Israelites are finally getting closer and closer to the end. God had promised them this land from the start, and we see God's character again; even though there were so many slip ups, mistakes made, God still honoured his promise. He truly stays true to his word, all he's promised to us, he's kept.
3 Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way.” - Exodus 33:3In this verse, you can really see how frustrated God was with the Israelites, reflecting back on how they committed idolatry, grumbled and complained through everything, God, although annoyed, was extremely patient with them. He did punish them accordingly, sending plagues, but he still loved his people. He is also patient with us. I know that time of time i fail him, but he's promised that we are forgiven if we confess. He's promised that new mercies come every morning (Lamentations 3:22-25). It is normal, we're human, we do make mistakes and we cannot be perfect. Im sure that God understands that and knows it. I believe that he just wants us to do our best, work at righteousness and holiness as hard we can, and he will acknowledge it and appreciate it.
Do you recognize that we sin and make mistakes?
Are you working at righteousness?
verse of the day: Joshua 21:45
45 Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.
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