Exodus: A Connection Waiting To Be Made

Chapter 40. Today we conclude the book of Exodus. I must say its been quite a journey to be reading a chapter and digging into it everyday. There have been fruitful times, there have been rougher times, but im so proud and glad that i stuck it through and made it to the end.

The book of Exodus ends with the tabernacle. After chapters of building, gathering and construction, we read as Moses puts everything into place, as it is set up. When complete, God made his presence known there. It says that a cloud covered the entire tent of meeting, and his glory was there. Whenever the cloud was there, the Israelites stay put, but when it lifted up, they set out for travel.

By having God's presence so strongly there, it allowed for a strong connection to be built, an intimate relationship to grow. This has been touched on in a previous post, but with the grace of God, we don't need to strictly have a tabernacle or tent of meeting to communicate to God, to have that relationship with him.

Now that having that relationship with God can be so easily built, are we yearning for that? are we trying to get closer to God? Through prayer, or devotions, through friends and support and fellowship? If not, what is hindering you? What's holding you back?

As a quick summary of Exodus, there are three main points/events that happened.
a) The Israelites were brought out of Egypt, freed from slavery
b) The Ten Commandments were given to them on Mount Sinai
c) The Tabernacle was constructed

Hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did, another book series will be on its way!

verse of the day: Acts 3:19
19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.


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