trip down memory lane.

i actually cannot believe that tomorrow is my final "normal" day of not only grade 12, but of high school, in my life. ever. yes. i did have to make it that dramatic. and thinking back of whats been of the past year, or even the past four years, all the things i've done, the things i've accomplished, the things i've dealt and struggled with. there's definitely been progress.

Astonished. Scrolling through Facebook, i came across the SNA 2011 page where we posted announcements and all, and i was watching the behind the scenes video, and i was shocked. I just realized how big of an event that was. Over 1000+ people attend, over 100+ people help out with drama, music, sets, costumes, av, its a massive project, most likely the biggest thing i've ever headed/directed in my life. Watching the video, i kept thinking, how in the world did pull this off? How in the world did this come to be, from bouncing an idea, to this massive night. There's no way that I could have done it. There was clearly a greater force at hand, none other than Our God. Glory to Him. I just cannot imagine how that came to be. 

Rewarding. Now that im memory lane, lets keep going. I think one of the most rewarding experiences i've had is with the younglings. The kids. Day camp, overnight camp, in Quebec. Everytime i look at the signed t-shirts i hang up in my room, i cannot help it but smile. I remember hearing the long term missionary living up in Quebec tell the team, "thank you for doing this, you really made an impact on the kids these past few days." It just hit me that i was able to make a difference in their lives through God's work in me. And even with overnight camp, trying my best to help one who was homesick was rewarding, especially when he told me that he wanted to be like me one day. These simple things have such lasting impact on my life. Praise be to God.

Thankful. I think this past year there's been a lot of changes with friendships. I've finally learnt to let certain people go, and that simple act opened the floodgates of new people, new opportunities, and I'm so glad to have met such great people the past few months. Although its been only a few months, i honestly treasure our conversations, their presence, and the memories we've made together. I realized at SNA that God pieced the crew together with his hands, we all have our personal abilities and strengths that make up for others weaknesses. Its exactly the same every day, with the people we interact with and work with, they were placed there for a reason by an Almighty God.

Growth. The past four years have been filled with conflicts, frustrations, and struggles. Some that i still deal with to this day, some that i've learn from, and some that i've grown out of. For instance, family. I've only come to realize their work and their love for me the past year. The endless, countless mornings my mom woke up to make lunch for me, and the times they've cleaned up after my messes. They've been there the whole time. I've also continued to mature, gaining new insight and perspectives on certain things, especially with my faith. I most definitely remember the times where i didn't feel growth with the Lord, when things seemed to have plateaued, and I'm still looking for that spark, but I hope to continue to trust in Him who is greater. 

Tomorrow is my last day of high school. 
It basically wraps up the past four years of my life.

Where God takes me next, 
I patiently wait to watch his plan unravel before my eyes. 

verse of the day: Philippians 2:13
13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.


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