take 77, action!
I had to opportunity to lead, direct and create another video project with a few friends, and it was lots of fun, whether it was working with adults, kids, teens, i love being able to work with people, meet new people, learn new techniques and try new things.
It was very brief and we weren't taking things super seriously or professionally either, usually finishing scenes in two to four takes, but for this one scene, we got up to nine takes. Because our actress couldn't get the right line in. But thats filming right? When something isn't right, something needs to be fixed, we need to re-film the scene because whats caught on tape, stays on tape. For instance, if they weren't wearing the right costume, you cannot edit a hoodie onto a person. But its okay, we have more film to take, and we can afford new takes with different perspectives.
Similar to our walk with God, he is constantly giving us new takes, whenever we stumble or mess up, but he's patiently there with the camera, holding it up no matter how tiring it is, ready to say "lets try that again, but this time, do this this and this, ready... take 54! action!". All those other takes that cannot be used, they're forgotten and discarded. Things were caught on tape and cannot be changed, like how time passes, it just depends on how we use it. Whatever is done, is done. But there's a fresh new start, a new take for when you do succeed.
Our God is a loving, forgiving, awesome God.
He forgives and forgets.
verse of the day: Matthew 18:22
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
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