Golden Duck Awards 2012
quite a late post...
So I had my final AGAPE program two days ago at the Golden Duck Awards, a way to celebrate the past year, how God has worked in the fellowship in others, and just as graduation for the grade 12s. After attending four years of this event, it was finally me that was graduating and i must say it still hasn't fully hit me yet that its done and over. the people i've met. the things i've done. the lessons i've learnt, the growth in my faith are more valuable to me than anything. thinking back and reflecting again, there are a few things i've learnt.
step out. the past four years i've really been enclosed with my grade, my "group of friends" and it wasn't only until the past year i've really stepped out and met the other grades, the other people. And wow, i wish i would've done that earlier. God grants us people in our lives for a reason, he places them there. He may not necessarily push them into your lives, but they're there. You have to go looking for these blessings. Im glad to say i definitely found quite a handful the past few months. Just yesterday we were playing frisbee, and i realized it was a person from each grade. i never thought i'd bond so .. diversely, but that was it, and i could not be more thankful.
getting involved. i think getting involved is quite the way to grow in your faith, discover your passions and spiritual gifts, and meeting new people. serving others and serving God (Matthew 25:40). Its always nice to give back and just get involved, i find it refreshing and fun as well. Although we are volunteering and doing things, we should not expect anything in return. God sees all things, big or small, behind the scenes or in the spotlight, God sees and he will reward.
AGAPE has definitely been one of the biggest factors and impacts on my life the past four years, and i hope things won't change, friendships will be maintained, and our faith will stay grounded. As you go off to university, high school, senior year, just another year in general, how will you maintain your faith? how will you grow?
verse of the day: Psalm 145:18-19
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.
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