The Fruits of The Spirit: Patience
Waiting. I honestly believe the world hates waiting. Look at society. Always always look at society and examine the changes made. Especially with technology. Computers are constantly trying to become faster and faster, for instance, the MacBook's have had this new feature where its like "lightning speed" or something. Also think about internet. The changes in price depend on one thing. SPEED. Is patience even possible nowadays?
My computer broke down as i've told you, and its so annoying. I've been sharing the newer computer with my brother, and its FASTer but even sometimes it lags, and you realize. When you go fast, you dont go back. I was so annoyed, while my older computer was x10 slower. When you get used to the speed you've been granted with, when something goes wrong, when its slow, you complain and you get frustrated. First and foremost, be thankful that you even have this kinda stuff.
Patience. The first thing that comes to mind, fishing. You too, no? Patience is so very important sometimes. Waiting for the perfect opportunity, waiting for the cake the rise and bake to perfection. There are three important things i think we should be patient with.
Patience with Others. Learn to have patience with others. If you dont, and you continue to bug them, may they be friends or family, they WILL get annoyed with you. Sometimes you have to learn to back down, back off, and give them some space, and some time. I honestly hate it when my friends do not reply. In person, they cant avoid it, but over skype, email, msn, anything, i get frustrated sometimes when its been 10 mins and there hasnt been a reply. But there's this one friend. WOW he bugs me so much sometimes. Just waiting for his reply, it has taken up to an hour sometimes. I dont know what goes on his mind ha. I always have to reply at the moment i receive the message. I dont understand how the other way works, but he's kinda taught me to be patience, although sometimes i just give up on him knowing he probably wont say something till that evening, or not say anything at all. Anyways, dont give up on others, but have patience with them.
14And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Patience with Life. They say "An Opportunity Of A Lifetime". A lifetime. AN opportunity. Thats one chance in this saying. Patience is key. You have to learn to wait and watch for these chances that life gives you. Sometimes its a test or university acceptance result. Life can drag sometimes, so very much, just last week it feel like years to get from Monday to Friday. But i guess the patience payed off?
24For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. - Romans 8:24-25
Patience with God. This is most most most important. I've talked about it before in my traffic light post HERE. But sometimes, when you pray to God, he may say yes, he may say no, but people usually forget he can also say WAIT. Sometimes people dont hear/understand this "wait" and feel like Christ has abandoned them because nothing happens. At the same time, dont treat Christ like a vending machine. You insert a prayer and expect a miracle. You have to wait. God oversees all. He sees the future, and he knows whats best for you, WHEN its best for you. I was once told, Christ is at the top of the tower, watching the trains as they come and go, how they move about, and we are people on land. We cross railways, while God tries to tell us to move, we sometimes dont understand, but the truth is, he sees the train heading full speed at us miles away while we think he's a fool. Learn to have patience with God. This doesnt mind to just not say anything, but first UNDERSTAND that he wants you to wait, and have patience while looking out for the symbol and signals he tries to show you.
Patience, Love, Hope, Faith.
Patience with Others = LOVE
Patience with Self = HOPE
Patience with God = FAITH
7Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. 8You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
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