"Time For Pizza!"
This is the one liner that inspired me to post today. I havent posted the past week because i was pretty busy with stuff. that is NO EXCUSE but... that was the result. The past few days i've been telling myself, dont lose this routine or posting. Keep it going. This weekend i didnt have as much to do, so i decided to revive my postings today.
family. Just now, my dad came back in from planting his plants for the past who knows how long. All i know is that he's been planting since the sun was up and now its dark outside. He came in with a smile, completely satisfied with his accomplishments, ready to dig into the pizza left for him. I felt HORRIBLE. I ate like 3 pieces. And when he got back we left one for him. He was actually so genuinely excited. Like a little kid. He has so many problems with his health and tonight was his one chance to veer away and be bad, eating junk food, but the fact is we left just one last dangling slice for him.
I've realized how amazing and loving my family is. From my father planting 1230981209381 plants for 10928310293801293 hours, apparently there are veggies and fruits outside now, to my mother with her crazy cooking habits. She's been cooking for HOURS, just wants NOTHING raw in the household. And why? For us. For the week. She's doing it out of love. He's doing it out of love. Lastly, my brother. I dont even know why im so mad at him sometimes. ha, well thats life. He saves everything for me, he's so generous and sacrificial. Yes there are things that he can learn and change about, but there are things he has that i dont.
Im thankful. The past 16 years, for most of it i have been super bitter about it. I didnt like my family that much. I just felt like i was someone living in a residence with a few others. But my perspective's starting to change. God gave me these 3 for a reason. They are placed in my life with a purpose.
Last night, at AGAPE, we had our ASK US LIVE, where i asked a question about "how do we know which of God's commands overpower another?" And they answered with saying FAMILY is first. Our parents may say that we are accidents, that we were conceived accidentally without the intention of having us. But the thing is, NO ONE is an accident. It may be an accident, but God CAUSED that "accident". God put us in this family, with two parents, a mom and dad to help us grow. Thats why we must obey them first. They kinda come first in the rulebook. BUT if they are clearly telling you to go against God, then take God's path. But because we were placed there for a reason, we must obey, thats the reason.
I hope ya'll learn to be thankful for your family. Im still struggling with being with them after 16 years, and im still learning to work things out with everyone. I have conflicts with everyone. My mom is unorganized, my dad can be a Polonius sometimes ;) (nice Hamlet reference!), and my brother... he can be so annoying sometimes.
But. we're together for a reason.
We are all CHAN's for a reason.
It was God's plan for us to be together.
And together, we will be.
20 My son, keep your father’s command
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
21 Bind them always on your heart;
fasten them around your neck.
22 When you walk, they will guide you;
when you sleep, they will watch over you;
when you awake, they will speak to you.
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