"Your Phone is Ringing"
"Accept or Decline"
Evangelism. Its something i struggle with immensely. Many people say, "dont worry, pray about it and God will give you confidence to help you get the message across". But thats.. i dont think thats the problem i have... I dont know what it is.
I also think that this really isnt my calling. Im not the kind to burst into the message. I can do it when Christians.. but with non-Christians.. i dont know where to start. There are so many questions and places the conversation can go to... its so unpredictable. I think i've realized what my problem is.
Knowing The Scripture.
How ironic, since my grade is talking about the importance of evangelism in our bible study on the 27th. I honestly think i dont know my scripture well enough. AT ALL. Whether if its the stories, the people, the messages. Its so hard. And this is ESSENTIAL when your defending and sharing your faith. Taking the current sunday school course, we're studying the book of Acts. Its actually amazing what we're learning, but it makes me feel so stupid that i dont know this stuff. Something just as simple as the pentacost. Like fail no? But its an AMAZING wake up call to know my stuff better. These devos.. are helpful in ways, but my goal is that i can just recite stuff, direct attention to specific parts of the bible. That way im fully equipped to share this great message.
Also. We talked about the possibilities of hindering a receiver's chances of coming to Christ. due to our actions. If we Christians smoked, swore, people would think "if they're Christians and their doing that, and so am i... there's no point in getting to know their faith, we're the same!" when we're not. And i guess sometimes im scared because im so unable and incapable of sharing due to my lack of knowledge. It kinda sucks. But it just means i have to step up my game.
Evangelism. Its not EXACTLY done through the whole speech, message format, but it can also be done through actions. That i can do. Through actions of service, love, and humility. But sometimes i wanna learn how to speak, and do it by mouth. Its so hard sometimes. Now i have a question, is it bad that i can only do it one way? Should i know how to be successful at both?
I feel like i need to bring SOMEONE to Christ before i die. I feel like a failure sometimes because i dont even invite people to church... gotta work on this section of my spiritual walk. FOR SURE :)
God is constantly calling you, dialing your life number over and over, but sometimes you dont hear it. Its up to us Christians help others realize their phone is ringing, and who this "unknown caller" is and the greatness that will come by accepting that call.
15but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.
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