You Body, Your Vessel, Your Microwave
"Your Body is A Temple of God"
Through everything you do, your body is a temple of God. Your body is also a gift from God, your vessel in which your spirit and soul lives in. For instance, our body is a microwave, but our spirit is the radiation that heats up the food.
But the thing is, i myself also confess, we ALWAYS forget this. We do things to our body that may make us look good or feel good, do things that may harm our body, but brings pleasure, but its always temporarily pleasure anyways. Why are a harming and affecting this blessing from God? We should do what is God pleasing to our bodies. Keep it in shape, doing exercise, eating well, and giving whats best. In the end, it is your instrument to help serve God. If you have a bad physical state, its hard to do missions, for instance if you're spreading God's love by building a house/school, you cant do it.
But there's hope. There's always hope with Christ. He's given us the Holy Spirit when we have decided to follow him, and it gives us strength when we are weak. It gives us power when we are tempted. And it gives us hope when we're lost. Whenever we are weak spiritually, the Spirit is there to boost us up. Not only the spirit, but the Word as well. Be sure to indulge in scripture so that we are strengthened and do not grow weary.
On a side note, love yourself. Love your Body. YOU WERE BORN THIS WAY. YOU WERE MADE THIS WAY. God had knitted you so perfectly in his eyes to who you are today. Do not hate your body. Love it. Rejoice in what you have and how you've been blessed. You are unique with your own physical features, your special spiritual gifts, and a unique personality. Use it for God's glory and he'll be pleased.
Keep Your Microwave in Shape!
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
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