The Strong Tower


Like the first line of my devo this morning, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. A righteous person runs to it and is safe." I guess its true. We always should abide in the Lord. He's probably the strongest tower we'll ever find. Think about it. He's the creator of you and me, the animals outside, the sky and the seas, the planet, and the universe. What is more powerful that someone who can do that?

Interestingly, the past few devotions have touched the same topic of trust, and how God will not abandon nor forsake us. He'll always be here when we call upon him, when we seek him. Like it says somewhere... he knocks on the door to our heart. He's always there. Its just up to us to open that door for him.

He has rescued us from sin and Satan through sending his son to die on the cross for us (John 3:16) and he will rescue us from this world of pain, sorrow, tears, and sadness. Heaven is a place of joy, happiness, and no sin what so ever. So .. pretty good deal eh?

Learn to abide in our Lord.

verse of the morning: Isaiah 12:2
2 Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense;
he has become my salvation.”


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