"i close my eyes, and, pray"
After reading tonight's devotional, it was a bit.. confusing at first. Talking about incense... and like some alter specifications, i had no idea what was going on. But later on, with a bit more deeper thinking and analysis, i interpreted it as prayer. How prayer should be like offering incense to God. As it said in the devo, "May your prayer be pleasing to God". In the bible times (if you will), incense was used to please God through offering it, so nowadays, our prayer should do the same thing. It states that "incense must burn constantly in the Lord's presence". So, if prayer is like incense, then ... PRAYER must burn (be done) constantly in the Lord's presence. And because we are always in the Lord's presence, we should constantly pray. It doesnt mean literally 24/7 but it needs to be done often. Its a good way of communication, letting out your worries and troubles, and just connecting to God.
Personally, i know that i need to do the same and pray more throughout the day. Before, i'd pray before i sleep for a super long time, just letting everything out, but i should learn to do it more often. So now, i try to pray before my devo in the morning, before i eat of course (but with more meaning, instead of trying to make it some routine to get done). But just at random times, i think i need to pray more to him. you should too! :)
17 pray continually,just like that. simple simple. Also, this kinda brings me to what the sermon was about today. It was pretty lengthy, but one thing i got out of it was the ROCK. A STONE. A REMINDER. Joshua took a stone out and used it as a witness to everyone. And so we should have our own "stones" to remind us to always be true to our God.
26And Joshua recorded these things in the Book of the Law of God. Then he took a large stone and set it up there under the oak near the holy place of the LORD.
27 “See!” he said to all the people. “This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the LORD has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God.”
Joshua 24:26-27
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