speak no evil.


After reading tonight's devo, i feel that it is a very good reminder that we should constantly remember. From the title and the photo, you can probably guess its about the mouth. Yes. We often forget how much power we have with our speech and our mouth. A simple word or phrase can easily break a relationship or build one. It is a dangerous weapon and you have to choice, to use it for good, or for bad. As it states in James 3:10, out of your mouth can come praise and evil. So be careful with what you say. Whether if its a joke, or there's something implied under it, be careful. You are supposed to be a example to others, and a reflection of Christ. You have to do that through everything. Not only your deeds, but through your speech as well. I personally must say that sometimes i conform to my surroundings and so speak with bad implications, but nobody's perfect, we can only try our best to be for God.

As it says in the verse for this post, "truth lasts forever but lies last only for a moment". Thats really try. Lies will always be temporary, and sooner or later, the truth will be exposed. You cant keep the truth in. It'll get out. Look at the show Pretty Little Liars. They all have secrets, but in the end, its all out and everyone finds out eventually. So again. be careful of what you say.

verse of the night: Proverbs 12:18-19

18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

19 Truthful lips endure forever,
but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.

speak no evil.


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