Love is Love
"Love is love is love."
Heralded across every social media platform, written across signs and brought up in conversation; this statement has become a motto of the sexual revolution and a slogan for the LGBTQ+ community. The phrase is presented in a beautiful and simple way; you're allowed to love whoever you love, why should it matter? Love is love is love right? As I've struggled with same sex attraction, this phrase is often appealing and easy to believe. The claim seeks to promote equality, that are all to be included, that all are equal and that all are the same, the homosexual, the bisexual, the transgender, the heterosexual... But is this true equality what we want?
The use of this statement seeks to equate people of all sorts of sexual orientations/attractions and in doing so is normalizing sexual perversion and sin. To follow and be consistent with this logic means that one should also be willing to call, uphold and value those who have sexual attractions to their siblings (incest), sexual attractions to animals (bestiality), and sexual attractions to children (pedophilia) "love" as well. Why should those who experience such attractions be discriminated against if "love is love is love"? And so are all sexual perversions to be called "love"? Where does it end? Is this the equality we are looking for? What standard, that is consistent and reliable, do you hold to when differentiating between what is right and wrong, love and not love? In our postmodern culture today, truth is defined by your own experiences/feelings/opinions, everything is relative and there is no absolute truth. Is that statement absolutely true? Do you see the absurdity of this worldview?
I reject it.
Our feelings cannot be trusted as truth. If we were to live our lives by simply trusting our feelings, we're going to get into a whole lot of trouble. Why? Because all our feelings are corrupted. We are born with a sinful orientation, all of us. You can see that everyday we are bent towards selfishness, bent towards lying, bent towards sexual sin, bent towards idolatry, we are broken and sinful, and the Word of God tells us that our sin against a Holy and Righteous God is deserving of eternal judgment. But God sees us in our wicked estate, dead in our trespasses, and by his great mercy and grace sends His Son to take the judgment that we deserve by dying in our place. He rose again, conquering death and for those who repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins, they will be justified, called sons of God, be granted an eternal inheritance and everlasting life, and be spared from eternal condemnation.
These thoughts all came from a Sheologians podcast I was listening to on my drive home from school. They were doing their "Feminist of the Week" segment featuring Anne Hathaway's speech from the Human Rights Campaign. Both Joy and Summer from Sheologians critically analyze it and points out the absurdity of Anne's worldview as seen in her speech. You can listen to that in full HERE.
The reason why I wanted to write this is because I needed to remind myself to see through and destroy the lies and the absurdity that the world is feeding not just me, but all of us.
As Joy says at the end of the podcast, this "love is love" message will destroy the world. She's right, to simply do whatever you want because it feels good, to trust and follow your feelings, to walk in accordance to your sinful nature; it will destroy you.
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