Don't Be Content With Sin

I've been very thankful that i've been able to spend the past few weeks in Sydney, Australia, Tasmania, and Hong Kong visiting family and exploring. I hadn't been back to Sydney since I was six months old and it's been over four years since i've returned to Hong Kong. It was a great trip and I had to chance to observe and try to understand the asian culture a bit more considering how different I found it to be compared to the western culture I've grown up in.

Hong Kong is all about speed, and it's almost unfathomable to fully take in what they've accomplished in such a short amount of time. Every time we go back, it seems completely different. Skyscrapers that are higher than the mountains, the incredibly convenient transit system, underground and underwater cross-harbour tunnels, they're even making new land and are building into the sea. But one thing I noticed that I was rather uncomfortable with was how many people ignored what was around them and did whatever it took to get their way. The ignoring may have been from the fact that everyone was plugged into their phones wherever they were 24/7, but one specific example that stood out to me was the jay-walking. Of course this doesn't just apply to Hong Kong, but maybe because of how many people there were it came off as a big issue. I found myself getting frustrated with people that completely ignored the signs and laws that were placed in front of them - what was the point if no one cared to listen or comply? The law is put into place for a reason, there's a purpose behind stoplights and road signs, but time and time again, I watched many go beyond and break the rules for their own convenience.

Why did this bother me? It struck me that people could so easily, without any thought, break such "simple and little rules". But if one could not even follow something so basic, what would that imply when it comes to complying and following "bigger laws" or "rules"?

Whilst being frustrated with them, I was quickly reminded that there was a greater lesson in this, one that applied to us all. How often do we say that we don't sin in any "great ways", but yet find ourselves letting "little sins" slip by? What is actually happening in the background when we ignore or let these "white lies" or "little sins" go unnoticed? I'd think that it would slowly twist and affect our morals, altering our standard of what is and isn't acceptable. And slowly but surely we will find ourselves in a lot of trouble. It's so evident in the world and society we live today - so often we think we are progressing, when the reality is, the morals and the consciouses that God has placed within us is quickly being distorted by our sinful nature and fleshly desires.

All have sinned and have offended a Holy God, He cannot take any blemish or stain. He is perfect and pure, righteous and blameless. On the other hand, we, who have inherited sin and have done wrong in the eyes of the LORD are wicked and depraved. Only those who believe and have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, trusting that they have been justified and forgiven in Christ's atoning death and resurrection alone can have new life with the Father. With that new life comes obedience and a new desire for holiness. We must never be content even with a little bit of sin, instead, we should continuously strive for holiness. We must never go and seek out evil or allow "little sins" to creep up on us or slip on by. We must guard our hearts and our minds from all evil. This is a serious matter. Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death, and though we have graciously been shown mercy and have been forgiven for those who believe, it gives us no license to sin against our Holy God in any way "big and small".

This should strike a chord in all of us somewhere. Is there a part of your life in which you been content with a bit of sin? A part of your life in which you need to re-evaluate, repent and ask for forgiveness?

LORD, thank you for the grace that you've shown us and that you are constantly at work in our lives, sanctifying us so that we would be made into your likeness. Would you help us to live a life of purity, and let no worldly or fleshly thing consume us. May we steward all we have and all we are for your honour and glory alone.


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