A Spirit of Boldness

In the past few months, I found myself in two books of prophecy for my devotions without really knowing it. After being intimidated for years and years, I finally decided to read the book of Revelation because I found out that its the only book in the Bible that states that one is blessed by simply reading it (Revelation 1:3) - was I withholding blessing this whole time? It's also important to read and know about the end times, for it is coming and we need to be ready. I also just wrapped up the book of Daniel today, which outside of the lions den and burning furnace stories is heavily focused on visions which tell of what's to come.

It was quite a challenging read, and though I may not have understood everything (even Daniel didn't and some things are hidden from us for a reason!), it was encouraging to see and know that God is sovereign over all and though persecution is on it's way, it tells us in Scripture ultimately, that earthly king and kingdoms will fall and be destroyed. Nothing can stand against the Most High God. The prophecies are full of such intricate details, for example, the length of days between events, it reveals that God is the one in control, and we trust that He will deliver His people at the end as He promises.

I found that the last verse in the Book of Daniel was a good way to sum up a big takeaway for me; Daniel 12:13 reads "as for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance". Throughout the book we see that time and time again, Daniel remained faithful and loyal to God in the midst of law changes and new decrees. And though it may have led to persecution and consequences, such as being thrown into a fiery furnace, God faithfully delivers every time. In the same way, with the end times approaching, we as believers must stand firm in our faith, unwavering. Daniel 12 tells us that these times will purify and refine us, and for the wicked they will only continue in their wickedness. We must run the race in obedience, finishing well, knowing that we have been justified by Christ's death and resurrection, and being assured of our salvation.
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." 
- James 1:12
That being said, one prayer at tonight's prayer meeting gave me a different way to view the end times and what that means for us as Christians. She prayed for a spirit of boldness. She thanked the LORD that we can currently live in a time where we can freely share the gospel and are not persecuted for it. But knowing that difficult times are upon us, we must not waste this gift that is the freedom we have now. Let us not look back five years from now and think of how foolish we were to stay silent when we had the right and freedom to speak and share the good news of Jesus Christ! If we are quiet now, dare we speak when we are persecuted?

The two points go hand in hand, let us be faithful now, being lights to the world, and sharing the gospel boldly and openly with those who have yet to know Christ, and let us still be faithful then, in the face of persecution - firm in Christ, who is the rock on which we stand.

LORD, grant us a spirit of boldness to live for you each and everyday. To be your hands and feet, bringing your kingdom forward - loyal and obedient no matter what may come. To you be all glory, honour and praise.


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