Why Do You Study?

We were discussing this question last night at fellowship, and the first thing that came to my mind was "obviously it is to glorify God", which is the right and 'perfect' answer - but as imperfect people, I can confess that many times - "to glorify God" isn't the first thing on my mind, and it's just hard to see how studying for something like evolutionary ecology could glorify God - where is the connection?

But as we were sharing, the Holy Spirit answered this question in a new light for me. I was trying to think of alternative ways to answer this question, or to build that bridge more - the bridge between studying and bringing God glory. And I realized that God is glorified when we are thankful and we steward what He has given us well.

Though what God gives us isn't and shouldn't be the main focus, He does choose to lavish His grace upon us immensely; we've been blessed with food in our fridge, a roof over our heads - but not only the essentials, we have plenty of clothes to pick from each day, some of us even have different cars to choose from to drive, but specifically in the context of this post, He has given us education.

These are all gifts, gifts of grace we have received even though we are undeserving of it all. And as gifts, how are we stewarding them for God's glory? Think about it this way, if you received a gift from a friend or family member, an obvious way to show your appreciation is to use it. Get a sweater? Wear it! Get a new phone? Use it! It doesn't make sense if you got a sweater and then never wore it, or if you got a phone and never used it. And what if you were the one gifting it? Would you feel appreciated if you were the one giving the gift?

In the same way, God has given us this gift of education, and our response, and a great way to show our appreciation (which brings God's glory) is to use it! To "wear" it! Whether that means going to class, or studying hard - this is how we can steward the gift we've been given for the glory of God (who is the giver)! But slacking off, skipping class; it's almost saying "oh sorry, I don't really like the gift you've given me" - but remember we were deserving of this gift in the first place!

So why do we study? Because its our response in thanksgiving to God for what He has given us.


  1. This post appeared on my feed at the perfect time. I was just about to study for a test I have tomorrow... and I was grumbling about it. Thanks for the God-given reminder :)


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