Praying For The Persecuted Church: Syria

Again, I confess that I haven't been doing well with keeping up with the news - especially with what has been happening in Syria recently, but also what's been happening in the past few years. But this month i've been praying for Syria, and it fits in well as Harvest Waterloo Region has been working to raise 30,000$ to sponsor a Christian Syrian refugee family over.

So a little about Syria - they've been going through a civil war over the past five years or so. According to my research, it all began with teenager painting revolutionary slogans on a wall which caused a protest; provoking open fire from government officials - leading to a riot and a demand for the president to resign. The conflict continued to snowball and accumulate, involving different sects (subgroups of a main religion) which caused the rise of extremist Islamic militants and by now as many of us know and have seen - the conflict has gone international.

22 millions people have left their homes
4.6 millions people are refugees
300,000 people have fled to Europe and North America
600,000 Christians remain in the country

One source said that Christians were often targeted because they carried a reputation of being wealthy, so often they were kidnapped throughout the time of the war. Christians were given either the choice of converting to Islam, facing death, or paying a tax as punishment if they wanted to remain as Christians. On top of that, churches were destroyed, crosses were torn down - and remember these are some of the earliest if not the earliest church, going all the way back to Acts 9.

That being said, I was so encouraged when I heard that many Christians committed to staying in Syria, to serve and love the country during this chaos even though it is incredibly dangerous. Many families have been finding love from the church. Praise God for that!

One pastor said "we have something more important than anything else that makes us stay in the country. That something is the life giving message from the LORD. And we are ambassadors of the LORD. We know that many countries withdrew their ambassadors which is bad enough, but if heaven withdrew its ambassadors from the country, it's a disaster".

As I write this post, i'm reminded that God's family is a global family as I learnt at Urbana and though we may not be there in the midst of the conflict and we cannot extend a direct hand to help them, prayer is powerful and it not to be underestimated. Let us be in more consistent prayer for the people of God. It may seem like we're on the losing, insignificant side, but if God is for us, who can be against us? He is a God of justice and will bring that in due time.

Though persecution seems like it's on the other side of the world, I do think persecution is coming; and it's coming here. I really do think that we're approaching a time where living as a Christian won't be as easy or comfortable. This morning in service, our pastor shared that he and the elders are striving to build a church that will flourish in the face of persecution. I love that. And even as I read through the Psalms this year, as I go through 1 Peter in small group, it's all about enemies that are surrounding David, mockers and accusers that attack him without cause, how to respond when the opposition heaps abuse upon you, and when one suffers unjustly. Will you be ready when that time comes?

Praying for Syria
1) that refugees would find safety and shelter, especially for the Christian refugees who are being persecuted in the refugee camps
2) for Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region, who are seeking to raise $30,000 to sponsor a refugee family over, we're just over $5,000 - may we give with generous, joyful and sacrificial hearts!
3) that the war would end
4) for the Christians that are committing to staying in Syria - that they would find peace in God, knowing that their hope is eternal, may they find strength in the LORD
5) that more and more souls would be saved!



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