Bound For Glory

I've been loving Vertical Church Band and their music since i've been introduced to them a year and a half ago at the Act Like Men conference. They've recently released a new album called "Church Songs" and just a few days ago, listening to "Bound For Glory" I searched up the lyrics and something hit me. The bridge goes as follows;

All my pain, hurt and shame,
gone when Jesus calls my name.
Endless joy, endless praise,
all when Jesus calls my name.

As believers, though we are clothed in righteousness and God sees us as blameless, while we are still living on this earth, this earth that is not our home, we still have a sinful nature within us. With Christ, we are given the option to not only know righteousness, but to choose righteousness. The battle is hard, there is tension as we fight against the flesh, and we will fail; we will mess up, we will fall short, but the LORD forgives when we ask, and shows us grace, grace that is not to be taken for granted.

I'll be honest, for a singer, I'm not the type that takes note of the lyrics while I listen to the song (it's quite odd). Usually it is only when I actually see the words, that I recognize what i'm actually singing. Seeing the lyrics in this bridge, it was both freeing and heartfelt.

To know that all of our pain, grief, guilt, shame, and sorrow vanishes, not only that but it vanishes when Jesus Christ himself calls our name. His love, his death on the cross, his resurrection saves us from all this, that we may be dead to ourselves, our sins, ambitions, desires and plans, to be raised to a life of endless joy and praise, a life that is obedient and committed to His will. It's absolutely amazing news.

It's important to preach the gospel to yourself regularly, to be reminded of what Christ has done, and i'll share that sometimes it just becomes knowledge that I know, and it lacks that transforming impact that it has. I pray that the LORD would continue to change me with this news everyday, that I would recognize the power, the freedom, and the love behind it all.

It is because of Christ that we are bound for glory with Him in His eternal kingdom. Look ahead, because this earth is not our home, be strong, because this fight is not our own, rejoice, because our God has overcome, and know that death is not the end, because we will one day we will meet the LORD at the gates of heaven.

Check out the song here:

Do check out the rest of the album! All the songs are great, and they're coming to town this summer! 


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