A Long Way To Goal

Summer is upon us! One thing that has stuck with me as I finished up my third year of undergrad, was that I now see a year in three parts, as fall, winter and summer terms. So as I head into these next four months of summer, I thought it would be a good idea to set some goals for myself. So here are my three summer goals this year.

Read More
I am a horrible reader and I'm not a big fan of reading either. You have no idea how many times I have picked up and/or bought a book to have it sit on my shelf with a bookmark somewhere in the middle because I haven't finished it. This summer, I really want to challenge myself to read more, to fill myself with more knowledge, and to learn and hear different perspectives. Let's say a book a month, meaning four books by September. Today I re-started reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He's a name I remember hearing a lot in my summer of first year, so I wanted to check him out. It's quite a hard read, but it explores the question "what can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the labourer and the aristocrat?"

A few other books I have on my list to pick up/re-read are:
- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- Wild At Heart by John Eldredge
- Crazy Love by Francis Chan
- Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- The Autobiography of Hudson Taylor
- Chasing God by Roger Huang

Do you have other suggestions?

Unrestrained Worship
This idea has been on my mind the past little while. I've always noticed how sometimes we may feel uncomfortable in worship (specifically in the form of singing and praising), from raising our hands to the actual vocalization of worship. I understand we all have different ways to worship, and one way isn't "better" than another, but when I reflect on my own personal worship, I do feel that sometimes I am restrained by distractions, by my insecurities, my self-consciousness and even my pride. I'll admit that there are times I am thinking of who could potentially be looking at me, or if i'm subconsciously trying to show something. Sometimes I question if my worship really is genuine worship or if I am singing solely because I enjoy singing. It definitely bugs and frustrates me at times. I want to be able to express my worship fully and freely.

So how would one practice this "unrestrained worship"? I don't think it is an immediate concept that can be applied and practiced, but there are definitely steps to getting there. Firstly, I think praying for transformation and understanding, having the recognition of pride, or the thoughts and distractions within oneself that may hinder one from fully worshipping. Second, is to understand what worship is; we are ascribing worth to God, it is a sign of respect and it is a pledge of submission. We are lifting our voices and our praises to Him alone who deserves all glory and honour. Worship is between you and God.

As this is a goal, I haven't figured it out yet, but I've thought of and am trying two different suggestions that may help one focus more in worship. The first is to close your eyes. This works best when you know the song well, as everyone around you disappears for a moment and you can focus on the lyrics and your own proclamation to God. The second is to prepare your heart for worship. Many times before service, there's socializing, mingling and chatting, and if one were to jump immediately into worship, you could still be lingering on the conversation you had to cut short, or the friend that you just noticed that walked in late. I hope I can spend more time reflecting and remembering who God is and what He has done before participating in worship.

Living Out The Gospel
This is not a seasonal goal, but this summer as I begin working, I know I'll have many instances and situations where the way I respond and conduct myself will be tested. I hope that I can live in a way that is God-glorifying and God-honoring, live a life that is different from the world, a life people can see Jesus in. We are not only to be representatives of God, but also the messengers, instruments and missionaries He has called us to be through making disciples and sharing the good news. I hope I can be more bold in sharing the faith, remembering that He is with you until the end of the age, and that we are only the messenger, not the Saviour. What is there to fear! How are we being the salt and light of the world today to the family, friends, co-workers, and strangers around us?

As summer comes round the corner, have you set out any goals for yourself?


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