Shovelling Snow

There was quite heavy snowfall a few days ago and I remember having to shovel the snow three times that day. I remember thinking to myself "other people get sand and warmth, we get snow and ice; why can't we get sand?" But as I continued the tedious task, I started to ponder more and more on the subject.

No matter how hard or how many times I try to shovel the snow, it will keep falling; piling onto my driveway.

I found myself coming to an analogy, that the snow can represent our sin, and the driveway our lives. Because we've fallen short of God's glory and are sinners, our driveway will always be covered in snow. Some of us may think that if we do enough good, that can rule out all our wrongs, and we continuously shovel our driveways with our good works, working towards a clean, and blank driveway. The bad news is that the snow will continue to fall. What we need is a greater force and being to get rid of the snow. The good news is that there is a greater being. When we decide to turn from our sinful lives, and to turn to Christ, we are transformed. We are changed, when we believe that only out of love, God sent his Son, his Word becoming flesh, down to earth to walk with us, and ultimately die for us, forgiving us of all our sin. In the same way, when we understand and accept that we need a greater force to get rid of all the snow, the sun will rise, and summer will come, melting the snow for good so that we no longer need to shovel because we have the Son/Sun. Snow will still fall in our lives, but the warmth of the Father's love as we live in a life of repentance and faithfulness, will melt and forgive our sins (1 John 1:9).

This Christmas season, we are remembering and celebrating the Word becoming flesh, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords coming down to earth, being born in a manger, both God and Man, to walk with us, and to later die for us, taking up and forgiving the sins or you and I for those who turn to Him. 

Stop shovelling your snow, and let Jesus Christ, the Son of God, melt it all away. 

verse of the day: John 3:16-17
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.


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