Christmas, Not Givemas

I remember waking up extra early on Christmas morning, running downstairs to the decorated fake tree, waiting anxiously for my parents to come down so we could open the presents. As time has gone on, my understanding of Christmas has changed. What started as receiving gifts, getting stuff, and having the most presents under the tree had become more about giving to others. Whether if it is giving to our loved ones or the less fortunate, I had understood Christmas as a time of selflessness, and putting others before oneself.

Fast forward to this year, and my perspective of Christmas has changed once again. Growing up in a Christian family, I always knew the Christmas story. Jesus being born in a manger, the three wiseman and the bright star that guided them. I am currently going through the Gospel of Luke in my devotions and chapter three talks about the birth of Christ. As I pondered and thought about this Christmas story, something about the thought of "Christmas is a time to give" was unsettling and confusing.

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. God sent the Messiah in human form, because He was going and has paid the penalty of death for us on the cross once and for all. He was the ultimate sacrifice. So I asked myself, "where does giving fit into all of this?"

I'm not saying that one shouldn't give during Christmas. There's nothing wrong with giving gifts to people or to the less fortunate if it comes from the heart. It's an act of love and scripture tells us to love others, to care for the needy, and that whatever you do out of love for others you did also for Christ (Matthew 25:40). But ultimately, i've come to realize that Christmas is primarily about the gospel, about the birth of our Saviour. The greatest gift you can really give is the Gospel; the good news. Will you share it this season? If you bear the good news, will you stay silent and hold it to yourself, or will you openly proclaim and share it with those who may not have even heard of it?

Gift Christ, and put "Christ" back in "Christmas".

verse of the day: Luke 2:11-12
11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”


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