Produced, Prompted, Provoked

Now that i've completed the 40 Days in The Word, i've decided to go back into the New Testament and pick up where I left off, 1 Thessalonians. But this time, instead of focusing on the whole chapter and analyzing it all, i'll focus on the bits and pieces that stand out to me, while getting a full perspective by reading the whole chapter.

The theme here in this book is the second coming, Paul comments on the Thessalonians faith in the first chapter, but the issue with the community in Thessalonica is that they needed reassurance of their salvation and destiny, so Paul uses this letter to restore their hope.

As Paul praised them for their faith, it struck me again as a reminder as to how we should live as Christians. Almost every verse had a specific and practical way as to how to live, and what signs showed that we were bearing good fruit.

"work produced by faith, labour prompted by love, endurance inspired by hope in the Lord" (v.3)
we need to recognize and reflect on our intentions before we act on things, are we doing it for man's approval, or for God's approval, are we doing something out of guilt or out of love etc... The three things mentioned above should be our true motives behind how we behave.

"our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction" (v.5)
It has been constantly being pushed deeper and deeper in my mind that the gospel, the scripture is more than just text, but it is the Word of life and the Word of the Lord. It convicts, it speaks, it reminds, it encourages, it guides, and it comforts. This Word is power, not just ink on paper. Therefore we should use and treasure it, meditating on it day and night.

"became imitators of us and of the Lord, found joy in the midst of suffering" (v.6)
Imitate the Lord, he is the ultimate and perfect example. Rejoice in trials and in the hard times, God has given us so much to be thankful about, to praise Him for, so let us be glad.

"the Lord's message rang out from you... your faith in God has become known everywhere" (v.8)
It later on says that "we do not need to say anything about it", because one's faith would be shown by their actions as well as their words. One should be able to distinguish you from the others by how you live. Let us strive to have our God be known to all those around us.

"turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God" (v.9)
We aren't perfect, but we often have idols in our lives from materialistic things to relationships, to career and fame as well. But they turned from their idols to serve the Lord. Let us be convicted if we struggle with idolatry, so we may turn to what lasts and what is eternal instead.

"wait for his Son from heaven" (v.10)
The theme of the book is hinted at for the first time, and last on the list is to wait on the Lord. He is coming, let us hold on to that faith as an eternal hope, knowing our God will come again to save us and rescue the earth once and for all.

verse of the day: 1 Thessalonians 1:3
We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.


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