Before The Lord
Day 27
10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. - James 4:10"be selfless and submissive when you go to the Lord and he will uphold you."
Pride has become such a big thing in our society, we have all become so full of ourselves, and we sometimes want to play God, be God in our lives and even in others lives because we think we are so great, we're the best. But Christ calls us to be different, to be humble and submissive instead. That's why our Savior is the most controversial person in all history, he goes against the norms, not for the attention, but because it is what is good. By being humble, we recognize the power of Christ, and his glory and we learn to give back to Him in awe of his wonder and majesty.
I myself try my best to be selfless, thinking of others first, but there is still a lingering sense of pride that sprouts sometimes that needs to be rid of. Who doesn't enjoy attention, who doesn't enjoy praise? But again, we must acknowledge that without God, we are weak, we are nothing. It was only through his strength and blessings that we have gotten where we are today. He is a good good good God.
16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” - Matthew 20:16My Prayer: Lord Almighty, you are a great and powerful God. You rule over all things, you conquer over darkness and evil. We ourselves are nothing and are weak without your power. Remind us to rid of our pride and submit to your greatness. Let us be humble before you to see your majesty, glory and your strength through all our trials of life.
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