Slow to Anger
Day 23
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. - James 1:19-20"Everyone, know this well, that we are to be listening, sensitive, patient and understanding and not to be short-tempered. When we become angry, it does not please the Lord and will not lead to a God honouring life."
Our God himself demonstrates these characteristics, slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to anger. I'm sure there are several things around us that can fire us up, whether if it is world issues, or something to do with faith, but we're reminded not to become angry quickly. I myself don't get angry often or easily, but I need to work on the listening and speaking.
If you look carefully, it says "slow to become angry", not "cannot be angry". There are two types of anger, righteous anger and unrighteous anger. Righteous anger is when you are angry for God, for the right reasons, (ex. injustice in the world) where as unrighteous anger is when you are focused on yourself, from the flesh (ex. angry that you didn't get what you want). One anger leads to honouring God, showing his glory in your life and resulting in growth and maturity, whereas the other, as the passage says, leads to an ungodly life, developing bitterness and stubbornness.
When I first read the verse, I thought the three things listed where separate and by themselves, but when you read it over and over just as the study method calls for, I've realized they do all relate back to anger. When one is slow to listen, not letting someone else finish, jumping to conclusion, it leads to miscommunication and ultimately anger and conflict. In the same one, if someone is quick to speak, (opposite of slow to listen), they interrupt, are disrespectful, and can also stir up conflict. And those who are quick to anger have a bad reputation, and are probably always in a bitter mood and mindset. All these things when not followed as the scripture says, leads to a life away from God. Your anger can overtake your mind and your heart, and when we grow bitter we are blinded from God's goodness and his blessings, because we are so focused on ourselves and our own anger.
My Prayer: God, you are a patient god. Thank you for listening to us. Your love overcomes all things. May we learn to do the same, quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Remind us of your greatness so that we can follow in your footsteps to lead a holy, pleasing and righteous life. Amen.
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