Live Wisely
Day 26
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. - James 3:13"if you are wise and understanding, may it be reflected by how you live your life, demonstrating humility from that wisdom you possess."
God calls us to live wisely in every moment in our lives (Ephesians 4:15), he wants us to live according to his word and live as righteous people. We must use our lives to express that, just as reminded yesterday, that faith without deeds is dead. I think being wise is definitely something I want to strive for in my life, not just to be knowledgeable but to be wise. I have the hardest time discerning God's will, always doubting if the choices I make are the right ones that God wants, and I pray for wisdom that he will grant me the ability to hear his voice clearly. I hope one day I can be someone who answers the question in the passage, and will show it humbly in my life.
My Prayer: God, grant us with wisdom as we live for you. Every moment you have granted to us is an opportunity for us to glorify your name. help us live humbly, making the right decisions and choices for your will. Help us discern and hear your call so that we may follow your great plan for us. Continue to guide us down the path of righteousness and understanding. Amen.
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