The next five chapters of Romans, Paul discusses the applications, how to strive for righteous living and how to do so. After we confess and repent, as discussed before, there should be a clear change, evidence of this change. And if we do truly believe and have been changed by God, we should be transformed.
As I was reading Romans 12, there is just so much to take from it. From the get go, Paul speaks to us about sacrifice. As a Christian, as a dedicated follower, we ought to offer our bodies back to Christ. Everything we do and say, our lives belong to him. He is the one that blessed us with all that we have, it's only right to give it back and more. He says to be "transformed by the renewal of your mind", refresh ourselves and take out all the trash and dirt that has corrupted our minds. This is a big step, meaning to step away, out of this world, and go against everything society says. Its a difficult task.
Secondly, after verse 3, it refers to being unified, as a group of believers, as well as with yourself as an individual. We are all meant to sacrifice and serve God with all we have, and let us use our talents and our gifts only for his glory.
Love, dont hate (v.9).
Honor one another (v.10).
Be patient in tribulation (v.12)
Practice hospitality (v.13)
Live in harmony and peace with one another (v.16).
Do not seek revenge (v.17).
Overcome evil with good (v.21).
The list goes on, and as the ESV version marks this section of the chapter "marks of the true Christian". Its a great list and practical follow up on how we should be transformed as a Christian. All of it is rather straight forward, and it is good to remember and remind ourselves of these things daily, to be practicing them no matter where we are, or what we are doing.
Are we showing marks of being a true Christian? What things are you lacking and can work on? What are you exhibiting the best?
verse of the day: Romans 12:1-2
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
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